
How To Remove Upper Lip Hair At Home

How To Remove Upper Lip Hair At Home

Our facial skin is sensitive and we need to take extra care while treating our skin. Opting for expensive cosmetic treatments is something that is not within the reach of everyone. These easy to do it yourself home remedies are natural and come with no side effects that are harmful to the skin and they not only help to remove the hair around your upper lip area but using these remedies makes your hair turn lighter, thinner and fainter within a few weeks

Milk And Turmeric Upper Lip Hair Removal

Turmeric and milk help in reducing the growth of hair naturally in that area. Turmeric tightens the skin and when we scrub, it removes the hair from its roots. Milk has lactic acid that exfoliates the skin and also moisturizes it. This application will discourage the hair growth and thus gradually prevents upper lip hair. The combination of turmeric and milk denotes as being one of the top natural remedies for upper lip hair removal. Both these ingredients are packed with many key elements that contribute to the skin glow as well as work as skin cleansers.

How To Remove Upper Lip Hair Using Turmeric And Water

This is another turmeric-based home remedy for you that effectively helps you to get rid of upper lip hair. Here, instead of milk, you use water along with turmeric. Water keeps the skin hydrated and moisturized.

Egg White Upper Lip Hair Removal

The egg white consists of both protein and collagen, which greatly benefit the skin. Once the egg white dries it becomes strong enough to create a waxing effect for your unwanted hair, while the corn flour creates a thicker mask, which is useful for the most stubborn hair. It also helps in tightening the skin and improves skin tone. This recipe works as a great natural peel-off mask to remove facial hair and impurities from your skin.

How To Remove Upper Lip Hair Using Sugar And Lemon

Lemon works effectively as a bleach, while sugar plays the role of a gentle scrub and both lemon and sugar granules work as an exfoliating agent which will easily remove the hair forming around your upper lips area naturally.

Upper Lip Hair Removal - Waxing With Brown Sugar

Waxing with brown sugar is among the best natural treatments for upper lip hair removal. Brown sugar when heated acts like a wax but unlike normal wax, which sticks to the skin, brown sugar wax sticks to the hair and is less painful. While peeling off, the sugar application removes the hair from the roots and over time, frequent application of this sugar scrub stops the growth of hair. Brown sugar not just works as a scrub, but is also a proven skin cleanser!

How To Remove Upper Lip Hair Using Yogurt, Turmeric And Gram Flour

This combination of yogurt, turmeric and gram flour helps to remove thick dark hair around the upper lips area by weaken the hair roots and thickness, the hair will stop growing on the upper lip skin. The lactic acid in yogurt is extremely beneficial for the skin and, it nicely complements the turmeric in solving the problem.

How To Remove Hair From Upper Lip Naturally Using Potato Juice

Besides being an easy do it yourself remedy for upper lip hair, potato juice helps in unclogging pores and pulls the upper lip hair when scrubbed off from the skin it also acts as a hair bleaching agent.

Milk And Corn Flour Upper Lip Hair Removal

This combination of corn flour and milk will stick to your skin firmly, and when peeled off, it removes the hair along with it.

How To Remove Upper Lip Hair Using Honey And Lime Juice

The mask made from honey and lemon plucks off the hair and you must continue on a regular basis, at least once a week. The vitamin C of lemon juice and the natural skin cleansing effects of honey help to keep your skin healthy and supple.

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