
A Well - Balanced Diet

A Well - Balanced Diet

A diet that is properly balanced not only provides the correct amount of essential nutrients, but matches the needs of the individual as well, both in nutritional requirements and in food preferences and eating habits. It is far from being a strict, monotonous regimen consisting of nothing apart from 'healthy' foods.

A Well - Balanced Diet

The Major Nutrients

  1. Protein- Proteins are extremely important for building the body.
  2. Carbohydrates - Both for growth and building of the body and its repair. Carbohydrates generally form the bulk of our diets.
  3. Fats- Fats contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen and provide the most concentrated form of energy.
  4. Fibre
  5. Minerals
    • Calcium
    • Iron
    • Other essential minerals - Iodine, Phosphorus, Copper, Cobalt, Zinc, Mangenes and Megnesium.
  6. Vitamins
    • Vitamin A - Fish liver oil, milk, cream, butter and egg yolks.
    • Vitamin B - Yeast, wheat germ, yoghhurt, rice, banana, milk, chicken.
    • Vitamin C - Fresh fruits and vegetables, oranges, lemon, black currant, tomatoes, watercress, and human milk.
    • Vitamin D - Fish liver oil, egg, milk, butter, sunlight and orange peel.
    • Other Vitamins - E and K, wheat, germ oil and the green leaves of lettuce, green peanuts, spinach and cabbage.
The body's major need is for energy, and normally we meet this need by eating a mixture of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Great efforts have been made to work out exact figures for the nutritional needs of the so-called 'average' person. However, it is now becoming increasingly clear that such figures are accurate only when applied to large groups of people for when an average figure is probably fairly representative, and that individual needs can vary above and below these averages.

We have to adapt to different diets without detriment to our health. The first principle isto eat as wide variety offoods as possible, because this will ensure that any nutritional deficiency of one particular food will be cancelled out by the relative excesses of others. Remember that no single food can provide completely adequate nutrition. The second principle is embodied inthe old saying 'all things in moderation'.

Although wetend to think of manyfoods interms of'good' or 'bad', these labels can be misleading. For example, a 'good' food such as milk if drunk in excess would effectively become 'bad', while 'bad' foods such as those containing high levels of sugar or fat, are harmless, or even beneficial, when eaten in small quantitites.

Your24 hours food intake

  • Egg: Non-veg. 1; Veg. -
  • Milk: Non-veg. 250 gms; Veg. 500 gms
  • Meat, chicken, Fish: Non-veg. 200 gms; Veg. - gms
  • Cereals: Non-veg. 300 gms; Veg. 300 gms
  • Pulses: Non-veg. 50 gms; Veg. 50 gms
  • Vegetable: Non-veg. 50 gms; Veg. 100 gms
  • Root vegetable (potato and Arbi): Non-veg. 25 gms; Veg. 25 gms
  • Cooking Fat: Non-veg. 15 gms; Veg. 25 gms
  • Fruit: Non-veg. 1 (100 gms); Veg. 1 (100 gms)

Food to be avoided

  • All fried food, e.g. purl, paratha, mathari, samosa etc.
  • Sweets, sugar, gum candy, glucose, ice cream, pastries, cake, jam-jelly, chocolate, squash etc.
  • All alcoholic drinks and cold drinks

Foods to be eaten or recommended:

  • Raw vegetables, carrots, tomato, onion, lettuce, cucumber, salads nuts and fruits
  • Plain clear soup, Lemon juice and soda etc.

Sample Menu


  • Porridge
  • Egg
  • Bread one toast
  • Milk or tea


  • Roti-Rice
  • Lentil
  • Vegetable
  • Curd
  • Salad


  • Soup, Roti, Rice
  • Meat/Fish,
  • Paneer
  • Rajmah
  • Lentil
  • Vegetable
  • Salad

4.00 P.M.

  • Tea

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