Avoid Peak Sunlight Time
If it is very important to go out during summer months, make sure you avoid scheduling any activity between 10 am to 4 pm when the sun’s ultra violet rays are the strongest. Hence, there are more chances of you getting tanned.Wear Protective Clothing
It is very important to protect yourself from harmful sun rays. Overexposure to UV rays of the sun can cause many dangerous diseases including skin cancer. Hence, it is important that one selects proper clothing when stepping out.One should mostly wear dark or bright colored clothes that have much higher ultra violet protection than light-coloured clothing. Also, when travelling under skin, make sure to wear full-sleeves and long pants so that most of the skin is not exposed directly to sun.
Wear Cap And Sun Glasses
Direct exposure to skin is dangerous and hence it is very important to cover and face and eyes as they are very sensitive.While outdoors, make sure to wear a cap and sun glasses to help curb risks of ultra violet rays. Do not purchase cheap sunglasses as they tend to do more harm to the eyes. Always buy glasses with UV protector in them.