To master the different steps involved in giving a facial.
- Cleansing cream
- Massage cream
- Tissues
- Cotton wool
- Skin lotion or astringent
- Spatula
- Safety pins
- Two steam towels
- Paper facial towels
- Linen facial towels
- Body drape
- Head drape
- Booties for feet
- Neck strips
- Facial lounge
- Operator's stool
- Facial trolley
- Place the cosmetics and material to be required on the facial trolley.
- Place a clean towel on the cosmetics and materials to be required on the facial trolley.
- Wash hands
- Drape the patron allowing the shoulders and chest to be exposed. If the patron js wearing earrings or neck jewellery, have her remove them.
- Wash hands again
- Place a neck strip around the patron's hairline.
Procedure for Giving a Facial
- Wash hands.
- Drape the patron as just described.
- Analyse the skin.
- Cleanse the face. Remove approximately 1 teaspoonful of cleansing cream from the jar with a spatula. Warm the cream by working it between your fingers. Apply the cream to the face and neck. Ifthe patron is wearing heavy eye make-up and dark lipstick, cleanse the eyes and lips first.
- Remove the cleansing cream. Fold tissues around the hands to form mitts.
- Start at the centre of the chin and remove the cream from the chin, jaws, and checks. Use outward and upward strokes.
- Circle the lips.
- Move carefully around the nostrils. Stroke down on the nose.
- Be very gentle when working around the eyes.
- Remove the cream from the forehead.
- With downward movements, remove the cream from the front and sides of the neck.
- Moisten cotton wool with skin lotion or astringent and gently rub over the face and neck. This will remove any remaining cleansing cream.
- Apply massage cream. Remove approximately 1 teaspoonful of massage cream from the jar with a spatula. Warm the cream by working it between your fingers. Apply the cream to the face and neck. You are now ready to begin the massage' (facial manipulations).
Facial Manipulations
Before proceeding to describe the important facial manipulations, we should review a few key points concerning massage.
- Always massage upwards or out on the face, down on the sides and front of the neck, and up on the back of the neck.
- Once massage movements have been started, do not lift the , hands from the patron's skin until the massage is completed:
- Move from one area to another slowly and smoothly, without breaking continuity.
Movement 1: Up and Down on the Forhead
- Starting on the right side of the patron's face, use the middle and ring fingers (facial finger) of both hands to stroke up and down on the forehead. Holding the left hand on the patron's left temple, glide the right hand back across the forehead to the right temple. Pause and rotate with both hands.
- Glide both hands to the cheek in front of the ear. Pause-and rotate.
- Glide to the lower jaw, below the earlobe, Pause and rotate.
- Glide up to the front of the ear. Pause and rotate.
- Glide up to the temples. Holding the right facial fingers on the riqht temple, glide the left hand acros sthe forehead.
- Repeat the entire movement two more times.
Movement 2: Lead and Rotate
- Glide your left hand across the forehead to the right temple. Lead with the left hand and rotate with the rght hand across, the forehead to the left temple.
- Holding the left fingers on the left temple, glide the right hand across the forehead to the right temple. Pause and rotate with both hands. Glide both hands to the cheek in front of the ear. Pause and rotate.
- Glide the left hand across the forehead.
- Repeat the entire movement two more times.
Movement 3: Rotate the Centre of the Forehead
- Hold the skin at the centre-of the forehead taut with the index and the middle fingers of the left hand.
- With the middle and ring fingers of the right hand, rotate upward on the muscle.
- Glide the right hand down to the centre of the brows.
- Repeat two more times.
Movement 4: Stroke the Centre of the Forehead
- Place the middle andrinq fingers of the left hand on the bridge of the nose and stroke upward towards the hairline.
- With the right hand, repeat the same movement without breaking contact. Continue with alternating hands and repeat three times.
Movement 5: Crisscross at the Centre of the Forehead
- Place the middle and ring fingers of the left hand on the left eye.
- Cross up and over to the corner of the eyebrow of the right , eye. Place the ring finger down and glide over the left hand, moving from the inner corner of the right eye to the eyebrow of the left eye until both eyes have been treated three times.
Movement 6: Outline the Eyes
- Place the middle fingers of both hands under the eyebrows. Place the thumbs on top. Slide the middle finger across the bone while pinching the eyebrows with thumb to the count of one-two-three-four-five. Rotate on the temples.
- Massage very lightly under the eyes with the middle finger.
- At the sides of the bridge of the nose, turn the hand in and up so that the thumbs grasp the eyebrows.
- Repeat the entire movement two' more times.
Movement 7: The "Headache" Movement
- Glide the left hand to the forehead. Place the right hand on top of the left. Do not place the hands on top of the eyebrows.
- Press while counting to three and then relax to the count of three. With both hands glide firmly out to the temples. Pause and rotate ,with the facial fingers.
- Glide to the cheeks, in front of the ear. Pause and rotate.
- Glide to the jaw, below the earlobes. Pause and rotate.
- Glide to the middle of the lower jaws. Pause and rotate.
- With b?th hands, use rotary massage up the cheeks to the temples.
- Repeat the entire movement two more times.
Movement 8: Rotate the Nose
- Glide the middle finger of both hands across the forehead to the bridge of the nose. Rotate down the nose, being careful not to close the nostrils. Pause on the cheek at the side of the nostrils and rotate.
- Rotate out and up on the cheeks to the temple.
- Glide across the forehead very lightly to the bridge of the nose and repeat'the entire movement two more times. On the last repetition, glide the fingers the jaw below the ear lobes
Movement 9: Circle the Lips
- Hold the facial fingers of the right hand on the jaw.
- Place the indexfinger of the left hand inthe middle of the Cupid's, bow, the thumb on one side, and the middle finger on the other side. Make nine quick lifting strokes.
- Glide the facial fingers of both hands under the lower lip. Place the thumb under the chin. Using tapping movements with the fingertips, circle the lips at least three times.
Movement 10: Rotate the Cheeks
- Glide the facial fingers of both hands to the chin.
- Rotate out to the jaw, in front of and below the earlobe. Pause and rotate.
- Glide the fingers lightly toward the corners of the mouth. Pause and rotate, one-two-three.
- Rotate the cheeks up and out to the middle front of the ear. Pause and rotate.
- Glide down to the ear lobe. Pause and rotate. Glide to the chin.
- Repeat the entire movement two more times.
Movement 11: Scissor the Chin
- Glide the left hand to the earlobe. Spreading the index and middle fingers of the right hand like scissors, place the index finger on the chin and the other three fingers on the underside of the chin.
- Draw the hand firmly across the jawline toward the ear.
- Repeat with the left hand, being careful not to break contact. Repeat the movement two more times on eachside of the face.
Movement 12: Massage Down the Sides of the Neck.
- Glide the fingertips of both hands to the side of the neck under the ear. Massage down the muscle.
- Glide to the centre of the chest and massage out to the shoulder.
- Turn the hands and massage the back of the neck to the 7th vertebra.
- Firmly glide the finga~up the muscle to the hairline at the back ofthe neck. Press while counting to three, then relax to the count of three.
- Glide to the muscle below the ear and repeat the entire movement two more times.
Movement 13: Stroke the Neck
- Glide both hands to the left side of the neck, under the ear.
- Cup the hands and stroke downward, one hand following the other. Be very gentle over the Adam's apple.
- Move the hands from one side to the other and then back to the starting area. Repeat two more times. On the last movement across the neck, stroke very lightly. Remove one hand and then the other.
- The facial maniplulations are now complete. Remove the massage cream and apply astringent or skin lotion with cotton.
Precautions and Reminders
- Proper sanitation must be maintained at all time while giving a facial.
- Any protective covering that comes in contact with the patron's skin or hair must be either discarded or washed before it can r be used again.
- The facial room should be quiet and comfortably warm.
- Wash hands before starting to drape the patron.
- Remove creams from the jars with a spatula, not with the fingers. Clean the spatula with a tissue.
- Keep all bottles and jars labeled correctly.
- Replace the lids on all bottles and jars immediately after using.
- Cleanse the face and neck thoroughly. If the patron is wearing heavy eye make-up or dark lipstick, cleanse the eyes and lips first.
- Use skin lotion or astringent after removing the cleansing cream and massage cream.
- Remove all traces of massage cream.
- Massage with an even tempo and with continuity.
- Do not break contact with the skin once the massage movements are started.
- Massage up and out on the face, down on the front and sides of the neck, and up on back of the neck.
- Massage with the facial fingers (the mictdle and ring fingers).
- Massage very gently around the eyes.
- If you drop an object on the floor, pick it up and wash your I hands before touching the patron's skin.
- Put all soiled cotton and tissues in the waste container. 18. Keep the fingernails filed short in order to avoid scratching the patron.
- 19. Explain the benefits of facial massage to the patron.