
Pencegahan Sindrom Bangunan Sakit

Pencegahan Sindrom Bangunan Sakit

Pencegahan Sindrom Bangunan Sakit. Sindrom bangunan sakit dapat dicegah dengan melakukan perawatan dan perhatian pada dua faktor, yaitu:

  1. Faktor fisik dan lingkungan – melingkupi kondisi fisik seperti ventilasi, pembersihan dan perawatan, dan rancangan tempat kerja
  2. Faktor Pekerjaan – seperti variasi dan minat pekerjaan tertentu dan kemampuan manusia dalam mengatur aspek tertentu dan lingkungan pekerjaannya.

Faktor Fisik Bangunan Dan Lingkungan

Good maintenance procedures are often the best way to prevent or reduce Sick Building Syndrome symptoms, and careful planning will help procedure the best results. The maintenance should be covers:
  • The fabric of the building
  • Building services (eg heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, and lighting systems)
  • Building furnishings,
  • Office equipments
An effective scheme will include drawing up schedules to record the type and frequency of system performance testing; visual inspections of physical condition; examination of system components; replacement of items with fixed life spans, such as filters; and cleaning operations. Cleaning operation can be major preventing Sick Building Syndrome. Cleaning patterns for particular areas should be set according to individual circumstances but the following frequancies of cleaning operations are suggested as a guide:
  • Wet areas of plant including cooling coils and humidifiers (annualy);
  • Ventilation systems including grills and vents (annually);
  • Windows and light fittings (monthly/3 monthly);
  • Internal surfaces, office carpeting, furnishings and furniture including desks and chairs (daily), and deep cleaning of soft furnishings (annually)

Proper preventative maintenance (PM) not only improves the useful life of the systems and building structures, but it can lend to good indoor air quality and prevent "sick building" syndromes.
  • Ensure all maintenance and operation documentation, especially an equipment inventory, is submitted to the building owner/operator prior to building occupancy.
  • Follow manufacturer recommendations for proper building operations and maintenance.
  • Include safety training of operator personnel as part of the construction contractor's deliverables.
  • Require the use of integrated pest management (IPM) for all pest management services, interior and exterior of the building.
  • Require building maintenance personnel to maintain the HVAC air infiltration devices and condensate water biocides appropriately.
  • Monitor chemical inventories to identify opportunities to substitute green products.
  • Consider incorporating continuous commissioning into your building maintenance program. Federal mandate for continuous commissioning are found in EPAct 2005 and EISA 2007.

Faktor Pekerjaan

Faktor pekerjaan ini melingkupi sistem manajerial dan organisasi pekerjaan. Sistem manajerial dan organisasi pekerjaan yang baik sebaiknya memiliki kondisi pekerjaan yang sebagai berikut:
  • Well motivated staff, confident that their concerns are taken seriously, will be more likely to give early warning of developing problems and more appreciate of efforts to improve situation, particularly where are scope of altering the physical characteristics of office areas may be limited;
  • Good communication and good relationship between management and staff;
  • Proper job design is the most important aspect of work for most people;
  • Open plan of access to external windows where possible, the provision of plants, and careful choice of colour scheme can all help towards greater satisfaction;
  • Care should be taken to ensure workstations are suitable for the people using them, reviewed regularly and adapted, as necessary, when there is a change of staff.

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